package imagerecognition;






import java.util.Properties;



import org.opencv.core.Point;

import org.opencv.core.Size;

import org.slf4j.Logger;

import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;


import objects.ImageLocation;

import objects.ImageRecognitionSettings;

import objects.ImageSearchResult;

import objects.PlatformType;


public class ImageRecognition {


    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImageRecognition.class);

    private static AkazeImageFinder imageFinder = new AkazeImageFinder();

    private static void log(String message) {;



    static {






     * Find the location of the reference image on the screen


     * @param  searchedImageFilePath Path to the reference image file to be searched

     * @param  sceneImageFilePath Path to the scene file in which the image is going to be searched for

     * @param  platform Defines the platform (phone operating system) that is in use. PlatformType.ANDROID for Android and PlatformType.IOS for iOS

     * @return Returns the location of the image or null if image has not been found


    public static ImageLocation findImage(String searchedImageFilePath, String sceneImageFilePath, PlatformType platform) throws Exception {

        ImageRecognitionSettings setting = new ImageRecognitionSettings();

        return findImage(searchedImageFilePath, sceneImageFilePath, setting, platform);




     * Find the location of the reference image on the screen

     * @param searchedImageFilePath Path to the reference image file to be searched

     * @param sceneImageFilePath Path to the scene file in which the image is going to be searched for

     * @param settings Image recognition related settings

     * @param platform Defines the platform (phone operating system) that is in use. PlatformType.ANDROID for Android and PlatformType.IOS for iOS

     * @return Returns the location of the image or null if image has not been found

     * @throws Exception


    public static ImageLocation findImage(String searchedImageFilePath, String sceneImageFilePath, ImageRecognitionSettings settings, PlatformType platform) throws Exception {

        log("Searching for " + searchedImageFilePath);

        log("Searching in " + sceneImageFilePath);

        ImageLocation imgLocation = imageFinder.findImage(searchedImageFilePath, sceneImageFilePath, settings.getTolerance());


        if (imgLocation != null) {

            Size screenSize = getScreenSize(platform, sceneImageFilePath);


            if (platform.equals(PlatformType.IOS)) {

                imgLocation = scaleImageRectangleForIos(screenSize, imgLocation, sceneImageFilePath);


            Point center = imgLocation.getCenter();

            if (!isPointInsideScreenBounds(center, screenSize)) {

                log("Screen size is (width, height): " + screenSize.width + ", " + screenSize.height);

                log("WARNING: Coordinates found do not match the screen --> image not found.");

                imgLocation = null;



        return imgLocation;



    private static ImageLocation scaleImageRectangleForIos(Size screenSize, ImageLocation imageLocation, String sceneImageFilePath) {

        /** for retina devices we need to recalculate coordinates */

        double sceneHeight = imageFinder.getSceneHeight(sceneImageFilePath);

        double sceneWidth = imageFinder.getSceneWidth(sceneImageFilePath);

        int screenHeight = (int) screenSize.height;

        int screenWidth = (int) screenSize.width;


        /** Make sure screenshot size values are "landscape" for comparison */

        if (sceneHeight > sceneWidth) {

            double temp = sceneHeight;

            sceneHeight = sceneWidth;

            sceneWidth = temp;



        /** Make sure screen size values are "landscape" for comparison */

        if (screenHeight > screenWidth) {

            int temp = screenHeight;

            screenHeight = screenWidth;

            screenWidth = temp;



        if ((screenHeight<sceneHeight) && (screenWidth<sceneWidth)) {

            if ((screenHeight<sceneHeight/2)&&(screenWidth<sceneWidth/2)) {

                log("Recalculating coordinates for x3 retina displays..");


                log("Device with Retina display rendered at  => coordinates have been recalculated");


            else {

                log("Recalculating coordinates for x2 retina displays..");


                log("Device with Retina display rendered at x2 => coordinates have been recalculated");



        return imageLocation;



    private static boolean isPointInsideScreenBounds(Point center, Size screenSize) {

        return !((center.x >= screenSize.width) && (center.x >= screenSize.height) || (center.x < 0) || (center.y >= screenSize.height) && (center.y >= screenSize.width) || (center.y < 0));





     * Checks whether image disappears from screen before a predefined timeout.


     * @param searchedImageFilePath Path to the reference image file to be searched

     * @param screenshotBaseDirectory Path to the directory in which the screenshots should be stored

     * @param platform Defines the platform (phone operating system) that is in use. PlatformType.ANDROID for Android and PlatformType.IOS for iOS

     * @return True if the image cannot be found or disappears successfully. False if the image can be found and the function timeouts.

     * @throws Exception


    public static boolean hasImageDissappearedFromScreenBeforeTimeout(String searchedImageFilePath,

            String screenshotBaseDirectory, PlatformType platform) throws Exception {

        log("==> Trying to find image: " + searchedImageFilePath);

        int retry_counter=0;

        long start = System.nanoTime();

        while (((System.nanoTime() - start) / 1e6 / 1000 < 300)) {

            String screenshotName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(searchedImageFilePath) + "_screenshot_"+retry_counter;

            String screenShotFile = ImageRecognition.takeScreenshot(screenshotName, screenshotBaseDirectory, platform);

            if ((findImage(searchedImageFilePath, screenShotFile, platform)) == null) {

                log("Image has successfully disappeared from screen.");

                return true;





        logger.warn("Image did not disappear from screen");

        return false;




     * Extract text from an image.


     * @param imageInput Path to the image file in which a text should be found

     * @return The found text in the image.


    public static String getTextStringFromImage(String imageInput) {

        String[] tesseractCommand = {"tesseract", imageInput, "stdout"};

        String value = "";

        try {

            ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder(tesseractCommand);

            Process proc = p.start();

            InputStream stdin = proc.getInputStream();

            InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stdin);

            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

            String line;

            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

                value += line;



        } catch (Throwable t) {



        return value;







     * @param searchedImageFilePath Path to the reference image file to be searched

     * @param screenshotBaseDirectory Path to the directory in which the screenshots should be stored

     * @param settings Image recognition related settings

     * @param platform Defines the platform (phone operating system) that is in use. PlatformType.ANDROID for Android and PlatformType.IOS for iOS

     * @return ImageSearchResult, an object containing information about the location of the found image and a screenshot from the moment the reference image was found.

     * @throws InterruptedException

     * @throws IOException

     * @throws Exception


    public static ImageSearchResult findImageOnScreen(String searchedImageFilePath, String screenshotBaseDirectory, ImageRecognitionSettings settings, PlatformType platform) throws InterruptedException, IOException, Exception {

        ImageSearchResult imageSearchResult = findImageLoop(searchedImageFilePath, screenshotBaseDirectory, settings, platform);

        if (imageSearchResult.isFound() && settings.isCrop()) {

            log("Cropping image..");


            log("Cropping image.. Succeeded!");


        return imageSearchResult;



    private static ImageSearchResult findImageLoop(String searchedImagePath, String screenshotBaseDirectory, ImageRecognitionSettings settings, PlatformType platform) throws InterruptedException, IOException, Exception {

        long start_time = System.nanoTime();

        ImageSearchResult imageSearchResult = new ImageSearchResult();

        String imageName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(searchedImagePath);

        for (int i = 0; i < settings.getRetries(); i++) {

            String screenshotName = imageName + "_screenshot_"+i;

            String screenshotFile = takeScreenshot(screenshotName,screenshotBaseDirectory, platform);

            ImageLocation imageLocation = ImageRecognition.findImage(searchedImagePath, screenshotFile, settings, platform);

            if (imageLocation!=null){

                long end_time = System.nanoTime();

                int difference = (int) ((end_time - start_time) / 1e6 / 1000);

                log("==> Find image took: " + difference + " secs.");



                return imageSearchResult;




        log("==> Image not found");

        return imageSearchResult;



    private static void retryWait(ImageRecognitionSettings settings) throws InterruptedException {

        if (settings.getRetryWaitTime() > 0) {

            log("retryWait given, sleeping " + settings.getRetryWaitTime() + " seconds.");





    private static void sleep(int seconds) throws InterruptedException {

        Thread.sleep(seconds * 1000);



    public static String takeScreenshot(String screenshotName, String screenshotBaseDirectory, PlatformType platform) throws Exception {

        long start_time = System.nanoTime();


        String screenshotFile = screenshotBaseDirectory + screenshotName + ".png";

        String screenShotFilePath = System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/" + screenshotFile;


        if (platform.equals(PlatformType.IOS)) {


        } else if (platform.equals(PlatformType.ANDROID)) {


        } else{

            throw new Exception("Invalid platformType: "+platform);



        long end_time = System.nanoTime();

        int difference = (int) ((end_time - start_time) / 1e6 / 1000);"==> Taking a screenshot took " + difference + " secs.");

        return screenshotFile;



    private static void takeAndroidScreenshot(String screenShotFilePath) throws IOException, InterruptedException {

      log("Taking android screenshot...");


        // Screenshot.main(new String[] {"-d", screenShotFilePath});


        String[] cmd = new String[]{"screenshot2", "-d", screenShotFilePath};

        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));

        String line;

        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)



        int exitVal = p.waitFor();

        if (exitVal != 0) {

            log("screenshot2 process exited with value: " + exitVal);





    private static void takeIDeviceScreenshot(String screenShotFilePath) throws Exception {

        String udid = getIosUdid();

        String[] cmd = new String[]{"idevicescreenshot", "-u", udid, screenShotFilePath};

        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));

        String line;

        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)



        int exitVal = p.waitFor();

        if (exitVal != 0) {

            log("idevicescreenshot process exited with value: " + exitVal);


        cmd = new String[]{"sips", "-s", "format", "png", screenShotFilePath, "--out", screenShotFilePath};

        p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

        exitVal = p.waitFor();

        if (exitVal != 0) {

            log("sips process exited with value: " + exitVal);




    private static Size getScreenSize(PlatformType platform, String sceneImageFilePath) throws Exception {

        if (platform.equals(PlatformType.IOS)) {

            return getIosScreenSize(sceneImageFilePath);

        } else {

            return getAndroidScreenSize();




    private static Size getIosScreenSize(String sceneImageFilePath) throws Exception {

        String udid = getIosUdid();

        String productType = getIosProductType(udid);

        try {

            return getIosScreenSizePointsFromPropertiesFile(productType);

        } catch(UnsupportedOperationException e){

            logger.warn("Current device not included in the Assuming x3 Retina display.");

            logger.warn("Add the devices screen size information to the");

            int screenHeight = (int) (imageFinder.getSceneHeight(sceneImageFilePath)/3);

            int screenWidth = (int) (imageFinder.getSceneWidth(sceneImageFilePath)/3);

            return new Size(screenWidth, screenHeight);




    private static String getIosProductType(String udid) throws IOException, InterruptedException, Exception {

        String[] cmd = new String[]{"ideviceinfo", "-u", udid, "--key", "ProductType"};

        Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);

        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));


        int exitVal = p.waitFor();

        if (exitVal != 0) {

            throw new Exception("ideviceinfo process exited with value: " + exitVal);


        return in.readLine();



    private static String getIosUdid() throws Exception {

        String udid = System.getenv("UDID");

        if (udid==null){

            throw new Exception("$UDID was null, set UDID environment variable and try again");


        return udid;



    private static Size getIosScreenSizePointsFromPropertiesFile(String productType) throws UnsupportedOperationException, Exception {

        Properties screenSizeProperties = fetchProperties();

        String screenDimensionString = (String) screenSizeProperties.get(productType);

        if (screenDimensionString == null){

            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(" is missing entry for: " + productType);


        String screenDimensions[] = screenDimensionString.split(" x ");

        if (screenDimensions.length!=2){

            throw new Exception("Invalid file syntax for line: " + productType);


        int width = Integer.parseInt(screenDimensions[0]);

        int height = Integer.parseInt(screenDimensions[1]);

        return new Size(width, height);



    private static Properties fetchProperties() throws Exception {

        Properties iosScreenSizeProperties = new Properties();

        InputStream input = null;

        try {

            String filename = "";

            input = ImageRecognition.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filename);


            if (input == null) {

                throw new Exception(" does not exist");




        } catch (IOException ex) {


        } finally {

            if (input != null) {

                try {


                } catch (IOException e) {





        return iosScreenSizeProperties;



    /** originally private static, but used elsewhere now */

    public static Size getAndroidScreenSize() throws IOException, InterruptedException {

      String adb = "adb";



        String[] adbCommand = {adb, "shell", "dumpsys", "window"};

        ProcessBuilder p = new ProcessBuilder(adbCommand);

        Process proc = p.start();

        InputStream stdin = proc.getInputStream();

        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(stdin);

        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);

        String line;

        String[] size = null;

        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {

            if (!line.contains("OriginalmUnrestrictedScreen")) { //we do this check for devices with android 5.x+ The adb command returns an extra line with the values 0x0 which must be filtered out.

                if (line.contains("mUnrestrictedScreen")) {

                    String[] tmp = line.split("\\) ");

                    size = tmp[1].split("x");





      int width = Integer.parseInt(size[0]);

      int height = Integer.parseInt(size[1]);

        return new Size(width, height);



